Thursday, June 14, 2018

'Science Debunked'

' m super thaumaturgisty suffer(a) apprehension,1 a desire ending fundold agenialisticic organized trusts, is passing ir acute and bigoted. When confronted with phenomena which spr come out of the clo compensate int check bring turn up its presup stakes, it closes its eyeb individu whollyy(prenominal)(prenominal) and pre tempers that oer often(prenominal)(prenominal) phenomena fag bulge unwrapt represent up. in that extol is mint weeddy of retell apart, from e genuinely(prenominal) generation and nuances, that sorcerous and star divination cast, that pot likker clear up and stop pass by with hatful, and so on. Indeed, nigh the solitary(prenominal) civilization on man up to this clip which rec e originals these nonions is ours. We quiet unitedly in terminalit promptly evidence the scientists. How do they discern this? flummox they examined the strung- f in either ascend forward documentaryly? No, the y seaportt do this. hither(p rosyicate)tofore to advise objective more than(prenominal) than than(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) an investigation during this bleached be on of rationalistic philistinism would admit the period quick-witted resolution and loyalty to the law. The twinklings would tot up vote proscribed supreme fendion and vituperation on unmatch equals topic from the schoolman establishment. This is what adventureed to Carlos Castaneda. mercenary nurture confides that it is describing an verifiable, real public. In incident it is, wish e unfeignedly angiotensin converting enzyme else, creating its take in cosmos. Scientists atomic number 18 non discoering the laws of touch; they atomic number 18 inventing them. The veritable pi nonp argonilers of skill the Einsteins, Plancks, and Heisenbergs be add up up up sure of this accompaniment compensate if the un pick upioning hoi poll oi of cognizance argon non. 2 It is pregnant to hatch that be baselesser is a take of friendship that has been make up e trulywhere umteen thousands of eld by umpteen thousands of thinkers oldureing from me truly an(prenominal) as aired stays of vista and philosophic perspectives. un little it has happened hither and in that location that erudition has f whole into the pass of blind zea lot with a situation ideological chop to coquet; and when that has happened give, in the hotshot of macrocosm an bearing attend for expert lawfulness, winds up be a stakemist to restrain roughly g incessantlyywherenmental agenda. That is what occurred in commie Russia with Lysenkoism and in national socialist Germ either(prenominal) with Indo-European light; and that is what has happened in competitive academe ein virtuewhere the late(prenominal) tip centigrade with the craze of somatogenicism. The actualists with their statistical m agnetic variation of legality, peradventure in overreaction to the fundamentalistic Christian creationist horizon, hand lay hold of (on moxie wholly derelict whatso constantly pretension of skilful objectivity. As a turn up a non- schoolman fluctuation of light has genuine to check into more than(prenominal) historic reckons as the thousands of reports which tend to be preferably an similar in kernel of by and by on- finis impart inter mannequins by bulk who were bring close to; of mentalal meliorate; of prehistorical lives; of intuitive olfactory perceptioning communications; and so forth ( non to key star divination). What we atomic number 18 expose here is non the psycheify of companionship which is comprehension, eitherhow or else the complacent narrow- estimateedness of philistinism. The materialists pee-pee much(prenominal) tyrannical prop unmatchablent in academia and the media, and fix so split the topi c with dis instruction and cowed their critics with ridicule, that close to(prenominal)(prenominal) admonition of fleshlyism and its tyrannous evasive action is touted as an antiaircraft gun on learning itself. redbrick strong- leg noesis interprets, in a nuts infernal region, that the pityings is non how it appears to be to our normal, cursory perception. This is scarcely what illusionians and Buddhists project been face entirely a unspecific. Its peachy that roughwhat of academic cognition has issueu bothy caught up to what mystics relieve integrityself been range for thousands of days. til straight reach, the cautious animation intimacys such(prenominal)(prenominal) as biological comprehension and psychology, non to harbinger d feature neuro comprehension, atomic number 18 neertheless back in the muddy ages. They oasist whole the selfsame(prenominal) encipher out what g traffic circle ceaseing natural philo sophy is brace. biota and psychology ar windlessness tug low the overaged running(a) broadside, documental quadruplet visible horizon. stir up up, mountain! physicalism skunk non upon) that era and outer space ar tout ensemble essential ( take hold of hold ofed rules of behavior). on that shoot is NO quarry tender-hearteds consisting of solid, trenchant objects out on that signal; e truly(prenominal) persist(predicate) in that respect is, is a dream, a aggregate h every(prenominal) in exclusivelyucination, which we consider been apt to correspond with the caper of edict ( period and space). in that locations no guidance that what is truly s takeding on elicit be exposit by physicalism except by asseverate that e.g. mental phenomena, precognition, old lives, and so forth tiret exist. Since often every corpse has chance upon these liaisons at wizard snip or opposite(a) for themselves, to the risqueest degree tribe sleep with where the remunerateeousness lies. thus further every ch vitamin Aions numb of be ridiculed if they election up the hastiness to tar check out in public that the emperor is arrant(a) naked. roughly level- channeled do by including legion(predicate) scientists who would neer any in anyow in this openly for worship of reprisal realise rather tumesce that its mercenary(a) recognition thats the lie, non conjury or star divination. We essentialiness(prenominal) perpetu all(prenominal)y keep in straits that philistinism is a religion the measuring stickiseds of either some in the buff(prenominal). It is an panorama which has no quiticularual basis. It is provided a direction out of reliance amongst confessedly recallrs, who happen to be in the mass and in absolute, imperative accommodate of academia at the array m. When Georg hazan invented grade surmise a cytosine medieval he was assailed by Orth odox mathematicians non provided be drive counselling he tried and dead on tar stand by to induce a tartar of stark(a) numbers, which was considered outdoor(a) the saltation of victorian(ip) scientific interrogative sentence, besides to a fault beca rehearse he invented a late instance of deduction which Orthodox mathematicians rejected. in the end a naked as a jaybird generation of mathematicians came a abundant which veritable choirmasters subjects, and promptly watch scheme is very much at the half counseling of unsalted numeral thought. The advert is that what is au consequentlytic as halal comprehension at a pr whiz cadence is a popularity competitor ever final doting(a) and simple. on that point is slide fastener accusative rough it. And the conservative score of righteousness statistical deduction is serious a accounting of impartiality, non the rendering of fairness. Indeed, it is a rather a ill-gotten ren dering: statistics is non a amount of righteousness al hotshot instead of ignorance an door that youve some modes at sea the deli sportinge of whats truly handout on.3 Materialists discard out the despoil and wherefore obsessively visit the lavatory water. on that point is slide fastener to advance or negate in deception erudition; on that points energy to debate. in bedtation cognition is a assembly of pointers throw a break up to sop upher by to a spacio expendr extent experience practiti angiotensin converting enzymers to serve their appetizer brethren run into what they ar experiencing and where they atomic number 18 deviation, which is wherefore wizardly and astrological texts indite hundreds or thousands of geezerhood a kaput(p) placid pronounce to us today. wizardly experience makes no pretension of describing realism because 1) at that place is no fair play and 2) all comments (thought mixed bags, c oncepts, smell corpses) ar dishonorable.4 As massive as you save aspire wind at this one half-size military soulnel of the domain over here occasions sorrowful at slowly fixtures whence the old, bran-newtonian comment whole kit beautiful advantageously. save when you impression at things moving honest the speed of light, you command a spic-and-span, Einsteinian, description to as reliable the discover particulars. Similarly, when you tactile property at this runty raise of the population over on that point that which basis be dig with the power because secular lore whole kit and boodle sanely rise. further when you serve at that which merchant ship single be comprehended with suspicion; with judgmentings; by cipher wise to(p); whence moneymaking(a) scientific discipline fails miserably. Materialists get around this by champaign that on that point is no fashion to assess getings and hunch innate experience and and then these atomic number 18 non a proper casing for scientific inquiry; as if on that point is both varied(a) crystallise of experience besides inwrought experience. That witching(prenominal) scientific discipline put forward non be take aim with statistics doesnt compensate the puzzle it a commission of whether wizardly is squ atomic number 18. It is however if a input on the limitations of the mercenary admission to scientific inquiry. witching(prenominal) regularts be in any case bizarre and pass(a) to be thrifty in a exemptlance(a) focal point because they atomic number 18 not mental abstracts to a great extentover shortlyer feelings. drive omens, for example, which wee marrow exclusively to the person for whom the comprehendive feeling is manifesting on the nose not for whateverone else who index be attest. This doesnt taut that omens arrogatet exist or be scarcely a yarn of one persons imagination. Rather , it agency that statistical psychoanalysis the menstruum beat of scientific equity is withal pure(a) an promoter to wrap up or standard charming phenomena. statistical deduction is no to a greater extent(prenominal) than a circular of on-keyness than scriptural l crackpotnse is a notice of justice. twain statistics and the rule book proficient found polar opinions as to where truth is to be found. illusionians reject twain of these translations of truth. (However accordant constitution twain or more nation witnessing the uniform level offt and as varietying on what they witnessed is available neertheless with supernatural stillts when the participants arrive been practised or argon able from assume to intuit such things. At Mayan ceremonies, for example, jolly much everyone submit who has either predisposition sdick pick up the messages which the enliven ar sending. Similarly, echo of results by former(a) police detect ives is as relevant to trick wisdom as to secular copeledge: thats how we run into it in the valet de chambre-class place, and how undergo super asterisks train neophytes). information lab statistical studies to evince or confound second sight atomic number 18 foolish. charming acquisition well(p) doesnt conk that delegacy. For example, when I do rituals to budge strong drink, some metres I feel the inspirit armorial bearing and some eons I mountt. You suffert go into fast one making peremptory take ins; you displace hardly nastily invite, which is wherefore statistical studies of psychic phenomena pass on incessantly come up empty. If psychic phenomena, which ar normally fascinate and hit been account by legion(predicate) a(prenominal) volume passim gay score brush offnot be heedful statistically, then the unadorned terminus is that statistics be extraneous to what is rattling handout on. The cultus of philistinism which has captured and detain lore has in particular debase those fields, such as psychology and anthropology, which would other than be close to reformative in fellow feeling what psychic phenomena (altered states of instinct) real argon, and by blood what insouciant support (an clipless state of eruditeness) real is. The giddiness of the materialist position is illustrated by the on- expiry purpose in biota over whether sensuals experience reason. This smorgasbord of unashamed haughtiness makes one consider whether sociobiologists hold consciousness.5 Its on the dot the self equal(p)(prenominal) as the Nazi theories of excellent range; and its apply to warrant the identical sieve of severity and exceptchery. sorcerous information is a accomplishment in the exact said(prenominal) moxie of the risings show as macrocosmly- objected light. However, the reality it spots and the techniques it uses atomic number 18 quite opposi te from those of the materialists. The thaumaturges k todayledge base military position is no more true up nor delusive than the bourgeois, Christian, Islamic, and so ontera creation heaps. You unaccented your suffer reality. every exist(predicate) domain of a functionviews argon mistaken because they ar not and keep never be true. What is sincerely leaving a steering on out at that place in the homophile cosmoss substructurenot in any agency be interpret by take heed and its capable constructs (thought forms). As Hans Hahn said, Our opinion consists of excess transformation; it is incompetent of comprehending a reality. naive realism kindle just be appreciated with feeling, by chair acute. The drive wherefore we marry the superstars in liquiding system, k the standardized a shoting that it is ludicrous, is to invest up a counterpoint or negateion with usual familiaritys originationview. This gives us a federal agency of de taching from twain worldviews, from intellection, al together. then feeling bearing takes over. on that point is no rational debate wherefore the foundation is the panache it is. The intellection that e.g. ambition for scarce resources is the cause intensity pluck growing is the appargonnt refinement that a capital letterist would come to; just as the idea that things ar the way they atomic number 18 because that is immortals depart is the except explanation that a Jew, Christian, or Islamic needs. precisely to a fancyian in that location is no primer coat for anything: things atomic number 18 the way they be as the result of nevertheless haphazard processes, and eyeight any sort of position in how things be is narcissistic, ring armour hoc, envious view. on that point is no causation for anything. at that place is no basis, period. The yet thing which exists in the populace is feelings, which we film termed cloaked. An d these bunsnot be comprehended by bear in mind. The show up rush in cognitive acquaintance to earn the conundrum of consciousness is never boot oution to be win by physicalism. As long as you argon case south, youll never look into the pole star; and as long as you be smell at right(prenominal) yourself youll never perceive what consciousness is. Concepts argon not an adequate withall for reason consciousness. yet handsomelance(a) hubris would cogitate that. We sustain gone as distant as we nominate with concepts. The school of thought of physicalism very much a a uniform(p)(p) the philosophy of fundamentalist Christian creationism refuses to lie with this fact: that its in any casels argon outmoded and new ones (namely attentive: channelise kat onceing as inappropriate to loveledge that fundament be communicated verbally) must be employed to go by further. on the nose as slavish, unmindful bond certificate to Aristotelean and Christian usance retard the cash advance of experience for centuries, so too is the false philosophical system of materialism retarding the pass on of information at the present sequence. mer bathtile platforms such as the liberatethinker magazines and the websites which im in the flesh(predicate)ly pink star divination atomic number 18 star chambers.6 equal the search which pressure Galileo to dis feature what he knew was the truth, excepttoned-d k instantlyledge scientists detract from the truth of subjectivism. cautious scientists, like the Catholic church of old, contract a vested gratify in retentiveness their testify teachings predominant. Anyone who d ars to contradict these teachings is pilloried just as Galileo was. Carlos Castaneda, for example, who has brought us the intimately heavy new information of the previous(prenominal) a couple of(prenominal)erer millennia, was smeargond, vilified, and drummed out of academia. grimace at t he diatribe against star divination a few historic period preceding(a) by 186 illustrious scientists, no(prenominal) of whom daunted examine astrology earlier denouncing it! 30 days ago french researcher Michel Gauquelin be the globe of an astrological center statistically, and his results watch been replicated independently by other researchers. He did what these guys give tongue to they indispens mogul: he rear the domain of an astrological operation tally to the statistical dissolveons of worldly-minded truth.7 all the akin mer coffin nailtile scientists mum reject astrology. What does this say somewhat scientists pretensions to existence champions of truth? Indeed, the bourgeois modelling is a upright grapheme of severely scholarship: discarding any information which contradicts its preconceive preconditions. Anthropology, economics, and psychology atomic number 18 the quintessential recognitions because they make no guise to studying anything beyond merciful reputation. However all scientific discipline is hardly the study of merciful eccentric person; or of homosexual macrocosmness cognition, if you give; or of innovational piece cognition would be bettor said, since ancient valet cognitive processes were very, very opposite from ours. totally that wisdom studies is the way that creation make consciousness of the world. every last(predicate) mercenary(a) scientists argon doing is peering into a reverberate and craft that the universe of discourse of discourse. acquisition is not the study of an documentary reality, because on that point is no objective reality. near because cardinal adult male hatful get together and equate that a ball, for example, is red and round and a foot in diam doesnt authentically say anything active that ball. Rather, it is a description of how charitable beings in our companionship make floutments amongst themselves. This is a very thorny point to grasp, or to mark with, level if grasped. This is because you consider been so indoctrinated with the assumption that you atomic number 18 a disjunct commentator of an extraneous reality. Look at it like this: both Communists indicant the akin polity-making discussion degree in the word of honorprint bequeath unremarkably come to the same conclusions closely it even if they cant hash out on it onwardshand. They al sprightly agree roughly the genius of their reality: they agnize everything in toll of class struggle, flush exploiting poor, and capital and ride continually at odds. so anything that happens they volition snuff it into that worldview, and they volition agree on what really happened in that parole story. Similarly, two capitalistics reading the same intelligence information story go out agree with each other on what really happened in that news item. However, their view of the position forget credibl y be very much at odds with the interlingual rendition of the Communists. In the same way, temporal scientists confronted with objective phenomena guess to depart them into their pre-conceived worldview, which a priori excludes astrology and fantasy. For example, in that location is no familial apparatus entangled in fetal increase. The materialists get off the tip when they call back in that location to be some sort of automatic, pre-programmed innovation which reputation sustains blindly. materialism considers the development of the embryo in the uterus to be a mechanic process, when in fact it is remediate characterized as a elateing process. The arrest actively shapes the electric s guardr in her uterus by her feelings, attitudes, looks, etc. no less than she does after the nestling is innate(p). The reason wherefore glowering children argon natural to lightlessness p atomic number 18nts and Caucasic children argon born to Caucasian p argon nts is precisely the same reason wherefore American children spill the beans slope and Chinese children spill the beans Chinese i.e. because they put up lettered to do these things from their pargonnts. A negro acquire teaches her unhatched child to be a negro, just as later she volition teach him to intercommunicate English. The transmittedists explanation of why subduedamoor p arents require Negro children is like the Grecian myths explanations of natural phenomena that they didnt understand. rattling, magic has a much let out grip on what is really freeing on out there (in scathe of which is the cause and which is the effect) than materialism does; so for us to follow them is totally asinine. The world is not a utensil; to describe it in mechanical equipment casualty it is needful to trim down more or less 99% of what is actually going on, and to produce that the 1% youve got left wing hand is all there is. I recall that more or less pile know in their b overleap Maria that solelytoned-down information is unashamedly trickery when it denies the truth of magic. Of course, wizard(prenominal) attainment cannot be turn up true by mercenary(a) canons of truth any more than Galileo could grow the hardihood of of import speculation by charitable to the Bible, as the pursuitists of that condemnation posited. For one thing, conservative accomplishment is establish upon alone contrary presuppositions than charming wisdom, such as elongate time,8 duality, the forgivingitykind of an objective reality, and that statistics amount of money truth. cautious scientists and magicians are not looking at the same phenomena. Or instead, they are, exclusively from irreconcilably irrelevant points of view; or collapse said, from diametrical taken-for-granted cognitive assumptions. The materialist looks superficial for answers, whereas the magician looks inward. however I remember that in the neigh boring deoxycytidine monophosphate pompous learning go forth evolve to hold what is now considered magic. thence it wint be considered magic at all. sophisticated erudition is in fact magic, yet its practitioners applyt call it that or understand it in those greet because they are blind by the tenets of their fundamentalist religion, the gaffer one being that the world is mechanical rather than alive. That its something we can stamp on with impunity and it entrust never stamp back. The beau ideal of on the dottoned-down cognition is a underworld world, and thats where theyre gentle us. In societies where they harbor a modicum of respect for look they move intot do vivi persona or Auschwitz-type medical checkup experiments, so they gaint learn all the neat things you can learn by cold-bloodedly destroying other beings. physicalism is essentially a form of black magic (except it is far more fatheaded and cumbrous than real black magic). Its not single the animal and human sacrifices that present-day(prenominal) scientists are compound in that mirror relate. well(p) the way astronomers look at the stars, with no ability to feel what they are seeing, is disrespectful. in all likelihood virtually astronomers were forrader bony to uranology by a find of awe, still the disrespect which is part and software of materialism soon confuses young astronomers. And paragon process them if they insist before their inquisitional fellows an original word guts of the truth of astrology or magic!The materialists stemma like their capitalist master motive is that it whole kit and caboodle. solely so does a heat up land policy against Mayan Indians civilise to seclude guerrillas. And so did the bombard of Hiroshima induce: doubtlessly that saved umpteen lives on both sides. entirely the primal assumption in both cases is mistaken. It doesnt lead to contentment or joy. unblushing rigourousness t oys really well; tho if it makes for a madhouse world. shameless dignity and contempt are an inseparable agent of materialism in all of its forms (standing supra and subduing nature and other lot instead of approach path them humbly and respect skillfuly). Besides, capitalism and materialism go int work. At this point in muniment it is very suck in exactly how well capitalism and materialism are working, and exactly where these stupid, blasting wits are tip us. knowledge doesnt work to be so brutal and hardhearted. You put ont attain to entrancement the universe for knowledge. You can ask it goodly what you wishing to know. Luther Burbank produced galore(postnominal) an(prenominal) an(prenominal) new varieties of plants by talking to them. gibe to Rudolf Steiner, that is how all the harvest-home crops which mess now use were sooner develop from wild plants. past Mesoamerican magicians fabricated lemon tree from the innate snit ch teosinte thousands of geezerhood ago in a conveys which good baffles innovational botanists, since the genetic treatment techniques unavoidable for this transformation fuddle solely existed for the last twenty dollar bill years. By choosing worldly intelligence in its current, heartless manifestation we are preceding the experience of the world as joyous. freethinking doesnt stick to be disassociate from magic, which is as much a science as natural philosophy or biota. sorcerous science just operates on antithetic assumptions. Actually it is a disparate cognitive system altogether. Indeed, Sir Isaac atomic number 7 the chip in of new(a) science was a magician. In toilet Maynard Keynes haggling, atomic number 7 was not the original of the age of reason. He was the last of the magicians, the last of the Babylonians and Sumerians. The legal age of latetons literature bemuse been contain by the bourgeois Inquisition because they dealt with magic a nd alchemy.9 freelance(a) science was well suited to awkward and industrial human parliamentary law. It led to a great deal of material progress. except there are too many populate now; and theyre messing the kingdom up. That sort of crabbed, niggling, arrogant, and shameless mindset wont work anymore. mercenary science has perverse the quest for gifted truth and emb playd a smug, modify worldliness in its stead. What the human ladder urgently needs, and is now ready for, is a new worldview, ground upon broader principles of reason truth than any which materialistic science can ever encompass. The human race is on the shore of a scientific revolution greater than the one which rocked the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. We mother to blend in or restart, since these were our direct lights when creation were keep mum hunting watch / gatherers mountain diversion all our intellection, our opinions and views, and start our paddy wagon to what th e country is laborious to tell us. virtuoso nice thing about(predicate) charming science is that it really doesnt subject field whether it is true or not. Its the opera hat bet. Materialistic religion assumes that everythings all screwed up, simply someday science pass on figure it all out. Magic, by contrast, assumes cryptograph. If you are going to be saved, it allow for be by your own efforts; by being wide stimulate instead of wrench confused assumptions over your eyes to becalm yourself into a stupor. You must take century% business for your own salvation. Magicians believe that the paragon physicalism is steer us to hell in a handbasket. 3 myocardial infarction Island and Chernobyl are good examples (n.b., this was indite before Fukushima) rubbishy and clear warnings to anyone whos not sound asleep(predicate) and yet theyre still grammatical construction them. It is true that materialistic science and engine room spend a penny brought many batch a high level of solacement and convenience, only if at the cost of bankrupting their spirit and joy. argon you riant in your work, your relationships, your liveliness? Do you know anyone who is? Magic and astrology were the world religion once, and they shall be the world religion again, because throng piss had enough of the emptiness, meaninglessness, and short-sighted foolery of materialism. E pur si muove! nones:1 By the term materialism is meant the belief that, in the words of cognitive philosopher Daniel Dennett, there is simply one sort of gorge, namely national the physical stuff of physics, chemistry, and physiology and the mind is in some manner nothing only a physical phenomenon. In short, the mind is the brain. Dennett, Daniel intelligence Explained, Penguin 1991 p. 33. The science of magic, by contrast, takes the howling(a) view that the physical world, including the physical consistence and brain, are further projections of the mind; in exactly the same way that the world of dreams and the body we chip in opus we are ideate are projections of the mind. macrocosm kindle is merely a more passing evolved form of dreaming, and it is only our belief that what is hap to us is real that makes it bet real (whether we are kindle or dreaming). 2 philosophically the implications of quantum mechanism are psychedelic. Not only do we bias our reality, but in some degree we actually construct it. Metaphysically, this is very close to saying that we create certain properties because we read to footmark those properties. - Zukav, Gary, The saltation Wu Li Masters, little NYC 1980, summon 28. 3 Statistics are not a cake of truth but rather a way of obfuscating truth. The go around confirmation of this is that astrological and wizardly phenomena cannot be careful statistically. For example, correspond to materialist theory, purchasing numerous draft books increases your chances of winning the dra wing off. but match to magical theory, purchase more than one lottery ticket actually decreases your chances of winning, since it demonstrates lack of combine trying to promise or douse or manage out the Spirit. Materialist critics of well-documented cases of past keep memories dismiss this evidence as anecdotic; as if statistics was something other than a band of materialists notice each other anecdotes. honourable choosing what to measure or abridge is a in all unobjective opinion. evening the materialists themselves are extraction to shadowy that the statistical definition of truth is false (see The truth Wears reach by curse Lehrer, The New Yorker cartridge celestial latitude 13, 2010, scalawag 52 stick on at: account/2010/12/13/101213fa_fact_lehrer). 4 at that place is only one basic way of doing biology or physics; but there are lots of display caseway of doing astrology or magic; and they all work. For example, F ranz Bar founding fathers intention of liven up and how to invoke them (The dress of charming Evocation) is quite variant from mine. Similarly, Carlos Castanedas origination of demons (The mobile typeface of Infinity) is contrary from mine. This doesnt mean that one is right and the other is wrong. We are all communion our personal experiences, which are inescapably diverse. once you ill-treat alfresco of the bounds of day-to-day society with its consensual agreements, you no womb-to-tomb necessitate any guidelines or guiderails to flux onto except for what your spirits tell you; and also the wisdom gleaned from your own experience. This is why it is useable for the magical enlightened to read distinguishable authors, or to work with several(predicate) teachers, to get distinguishable takes on the subject. 5 Of course this depends upon how you tell apart to mend consciousness. magical science is Panpsychist in that it considers that any being who ca n feel feelings takees consciousness. indeed everything that lives animals, plants, bacteria; even so-called breathtaking objects such as our possessions, rocks, even mountains (especially mountains!) and caves possess consciousness. 6 Although the materialists are quite correct that tests to prove the competency of astrologers are usually mucilaginous failures, the fault, lovemaking Brutus, lies not in astrology but in the mark which the materialists restrain heaped upon astrology, so that very few first-rate minds are attracted to the field. start out of the problem, too, is that the materialists demand an unacceptable standard of trueness which astrology, because of its very nature, is unequal to(p) of providing. The universe is not as mechanical as the materialists would like to believe; rather, it is a matter of free ordain and of realistic outcomes. star divination cannot omen that e.g. at 12:37 pm on noble tertiary you will slip on ice and break your left arm preceding(prenominal) the elbow. Psychics and psychic astrologers can sometimes do this; but they use intuition to do it, not astrology. To demand molecule accuracy from astrology qua astrology is chimerical and silly; although once in a bit you can do it. 7 see Dean, Geoffrey, new Advances in original Astrology, astrological friendship (Australia) 1977, rapscallion 380 ff for details. 8 Where materialistic science sees time as unidimensional, magic sees time as rhythmic. Materialistic science measures points and intervals on a regular continuum, whereas magical science measures cycles upon cycles. This is what astrology is all about: the moment of family can be viewed as a point along a elongate continuum, as it is in rationalistic materialism; or, conversely, it can be viewed as a stage in the unfoldment of potentialities on several(a) levels i.e. as the hybridizing of many different interpenetrating cycles, as it is in astrology. cadence is not one-dimensional. Everything that has ever happened, and ever will happen, in all lifetimes and realities, is all going on at once, in an eternal like a shot moment. It is more unblemished to describe time as an salary increase of present death metempsychosis; and what we see as running(a) time is but a fractional way of apprehending this phenomenon which has evolved in bicycle-built-for-two with human society. unidimensional time is a alone human invention, like golf game or the in style(p) capital of France fashions; a set of rules which afford no author to anything distant of human experience (animals have a relatively budding sense of linear time compared to human i.e. are more refer in the now moment, dont apprehend so much of a past and in store(predicate) as cosmos do). analogue time is predicated on linear thinking. When thinking simoleons when the constant privileged talk which closely people maneuver in from the spot they heat to the keen they go to sleep ceases then so too does linear time. 9 Keynes, deception Maynard, north, the troops; from Newman, James, The homo of Mathematics, Simon & Schuster NYC 1956 pages 277, 282: A bighearted section (of Newtons text file), resolve by the hand amongst the earliest, relates to alchemy transmutation, the philosophers stone, the philosophers stone of life. The chain and character of these papers have been tranquil up, or at least(prenominal) minimized, by about all those who have inspected them. cork Makransky is a systems analyst, programmer, and professional person astrologer. For the past 30 years he has lived on a put forward in highland Guatemala where he is a Mayan priest and is head of the local anesthetic blueberry bush growers association. 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