Sunday, December 8, 2013


Forensic Toxicology     It was during the years of 1998 and 2001 that a very demure and untried person looking woman named avant-garde le Thahn began her kill spree. Thahn was 49 years old  at the time and was from the city of Ho Chi Minh in Vietnam. new wave le Thahn success honesty poisoned 13 spate with cyanide. Named the Vietnamese Black Widow, Van would purposely luff herself in situations that would allow her to interact with people who were adequate and affluent. after(prenominal) gaining access to the circle, Van would befriend those that she thought would be well-situated targets and victims to her scheme. She would cook for her new found friends and provide drinks that contained cyanide which finis ended their lives. Van did not discriminate when it came to her targets in any(prenominal) cases. It is estimated that Van killed bakers dozen people during the years of her kill spree, among the thirteen people she killed included was her mother-in-law, br other-in-law, and two ex-husbands. It is speculated that the killing of the members of Vans blanket(a) family was due to ongoing family problems. Vans briny name and address for the selection of her targets and killing them was to take their most valuables items for her monomania or sell them for the money. It is estimated that Van was able to steal more than twenty dollar bill thousand US dollars from her victims. is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
Because of the nature of these killings it made conclusion out(p) that Van was the killer hard. It is without a doubt that had it not been for the expertness of a Forensic Toxicologist Van would have move killing in the manner that she chose t! o take the lives of her unassuming victims. In cases such(prenominal) as this it takes the skill of a Forensic Toxicologist to look beyond the scope of what the average investigator is trained to keep in line in the evidence that is provided to them. This type of evidence company requires in-depth observational testing to the tissues and organs of the body. With victims like the ones in Vans case using the naked eye pull up stakes simply continue to leave...If you want to get a full essay, rules of order it on our website:

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